Our Organisation

Nyangumarta Warrarn Aboriginal Corporation

The Nyangumarta people’s native title rights were formally recognized in 2009, following a successful determination that affirmed their connection to both land and sea Country, stretching from the Pilbara and Kimberley regions into the Great Sandy Desert.

Our Role as the Nyangumarta Warrarn Aboriginal Corporation (NWAC)

The Nyangumarta Warrarn Aboriginal Corporation (NWAC) is the Registered Native Title Body Corporate (RNTBC) responsible for managing and protecting the native title rights and interests of the Nyangumarta People. Following the successful recognition of our native title, NWAC was established to uphold our connection to Country and ensure that land use respects our cultural heritage and traditional laws.

As an RNTBC, our key responsibilities include:

Protecting and managing native title rights: NWAC acts on behalf of the Nyangumarta People to hold and manage our native title rights and interests. We ensure that all decisions made about our land align with the traditional laws, customs, and wishes of the Nyangumarta community

Engaging with external parties: NWAC works closely with governments, corporations, developers, and other stakeholders to manage access to and use of our land. Whether for mining, infrastructure, or conservation projects, we ensure that any proposals respect our rights and protect our cultural and environmental values.

Supporting sustainable land management: As stewards of our land, NWAC is committed to protecting Nyangumarta Country for future generations. We play an active role in ensuring that any land use promotes sustainable development and aligns with the long-term well-being of our people, culture, and environment.

Through NWAC, we safeguard our traditional rights and ensure that Nyangumarta People remain at the forefront of all decisions about our land.

Our Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Goals for NWAC


We are building our professional skills to ensure good governance and actively share our knowledge with our mob and stakeholders. The broader community understands and respects our culture and journey. Our leaders are identified and supported to reach their potential, while we provide our young ones with better opportunities to learn and advance. We teach our history and communicate our culture to reach a wider audience.

Economic Development

Our people have better access to employment as our natural and cultural resources become a source of revenue for our community. We have diverse, successful, and ethical enterprises providing jobs to our people. We take advantage of opportunities such as joint ventures and sole enterprises and actively seek out grant funding opportunities.

Strong, United, Sustainable

We are working well together to ensure that NWAC is sustainable into the future. We maintain a strong connection to Country and uphold a good governance framework.

 Healthy Culture

We are actively maintaining our strong connection to Country, passing on our customs and traditions to future generations. Our sacred sites are protected, and our culture is preserved and safeguarded.

Healthy Country

We have programs to manage our Country, ensuring that our Indigenous flora and fauna are protected. We control and monitor access to Country, ensuring that our land and culture are respected.

Healthy People

Our people have better access to healthcare and healthy physical activities. They have a better understanding of healthy living, and our people have improved access to Country.

 Good Governance

We have strong controls and aim for best practices. We continuously measure our progress and understand how to govern effectively.


Our people have better access to employment as NWAC has greater control over its business. Our natural and cultural resources are a source of revenue for our people, and we have diverse, successful, and ethical enterprises providing jobs. We actively take advantage of opportunities to enhance our community's prosperity.

“The logo tells our story of our Warrarn (country) and gives my people pride and identity. Now at conferences or meetings with government agencies and mining companies we proudly promote ourselves and Nyangumarta Warrarn Aboriginal Corporation. It means a lot to us.” – Nyaparu Rose, CEO, Nyangumarta Warrarn Aboriginal Corporation